
  • 00:01 - 00:54

    Ella, Oscar et Hoo

    A smart bubbly girl, a bouncy little boy and a very young cloud: here are Ella, Oscar & Hoo! Together they will chase dinosaurs, explore mysterious woods, or be Santa’s devoted assistants… Everyday is a a new adventure, an opportunity to learn together about courage, honesty and childhood friendship!
    • 00:01   Where's Hoo?

      Winter is here and it looks like the cold has turned Hoo into a snowball. Will Ella and Oscar be able to heat it up?

      (With subtitles)
    • 00:11   Hallhooween

      At Halloween, candy is earned! For that, Ella and Oscar have a really scary journey to make.

      (With subtitles)
    • 00:22   The Little Brother

      Oscar would love to have a little brother! Not sure if he'll stick to the same point of view when Ella shows him all the implications.

      (With subtitles)
    • 00:33   One for all, all for one

      Oscar, Ella and Hoo play in the living room on a rainy day when, suddenly, a vase is broken! What can we do about it? The three friends stay together.

      (With subtitles)
    • 00:43   TV Cloud

      Ella's messing up the TV remote control. The children then decide to improvise programs on a rotating basis.

      (With subtitles)

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  • 00:54 - 02:01


    The little witch who’s quite a character! Welcome to the ordinary life of a Not-So-Ordinary Kid. ZOUK, the little witch-apprentice…with a big personality. Follow her adventures with her friends in the BIG BIG city bursting with possibilities.
    • 00:54   The cauldron's salsa

      Zouk has received an invitation to he very first wizard ball. Although Jojo only wants one thing: to be able to attend, Zouk is reluctant to go and especially to learn the steps of the "Cauldron Salsa" that she will have to perform in front of a crowd of guests and especially in front of the 4 Sisters... Because Zouk knows that these are waiting for her! Instead of practicing, she decides to miniaturize Jojo, so that he can teach her the steps during the ball. But nothing happens as planned... Zouk makes a mistake in his formula and Jojo is transformed into a hat! But Jojo will be able to help her anyway. Except that as soon as he arrives at Castle Levitan, the mummy at the entrance asks her to leave her hat in the checkroom like all the other wizards...

      (With subtitles)
    • 01:05   The spiderweb champion

      During a game of hide-and-seek with Jojo, Zouk finds her cradle-hamac knitted by her friend Sosso... But what Jojo doesn't know is that Sosso is a real knitting champion: she holds the record for the largest spider web in the world! Well, yes... until now! Because, horror and woe, Zouk and Jojo discover that a certain Angelina Mygale has beaten Sosso's record! But promise, swear, sorcerer: Zouk will help Sosso to recover her record! The appointment is made with Uncle Norbert, the judge of records, in one hour! But before that, Coach Zouk is training Sosso to weave... bigger and faster! Zouk absolutely wants Sosso to become "her" champion again. Result: Sosso does not even have the strength to weave at the end of this training...

      (With subtitles)
    • 01:16   Cupid's bow

      Today is the first day of the witch-summer. Zouk is over the moon. Let's go to the beach with all her friends! But once there, the bickering of Catsoo and Mr Pumpkin degenerate and the group is excluded by the beach supervisor. Once back at the mansion, the situation worsens as Mr Pumpkin and Catsoo refuse to live together anymore. To bring her friends back together, Zouk decides to use the Cupid Wizard's Bow, a bow with darts capable of spreading love, which his father has just revised. The result exceeds her expectations: Pumpkin and Core's friendship becomes exclusive and they kick everyone out of the mansion: they want to be just the two of them! But Zouk goes to use love darts, unfortunately her shot involuntarily hits Jojo. Catastroll !

      (With subtitles)
    • 01:27   Cat ill omen

      Tonight, Zouk's favorite movie is playing on the monster-TV! And she wants Jojo to see it. But that's without counting on Catsoo who, wallowing in front of the monster-TV, is impatiently waiting for Nostramoggy's show, the great wizard of cats who will soon cast a spell so that black cats will bring even more bad luck! But here is that, from disputes to squabbles to know who will have the right to the monster-TV, the spell of misfortune of Nostramatou touches... Pumpkin and Catsoo! So much so that they find themselves locked up in the television! Catastroll ! Zouk has no choice but to go and find Nostramoggy himself so that he can undo the bad spell.

      (With subtitles)
    • 01:38   Grandpa zik

      Today is the wedding anniversary of MamiZak and PapyZik, their vampire wedding (150 years). Jojo is very surprised to learn that Zouk still has her grandfather: he has never met him. Zouk smiles: it's normal, it's because her grandpa is an armchair! And besides, on the occasion of this birthday party, it would be too crazy if he woke up (he takes a nap most of the time) and even, why not, she would try to give him back his witch form. But Papizik made a pact with the big Beech tree from which his wood is made and he doesn't remember the formula very well... Witch of character, Zouk will find a solution !

      (With subtitles)
    • 01:49   The were jelly

      MamiZak invites herself to the manor with Raymond the pig. Catastroll ! Mamizak's pet is as stupid as it is seem! Quickly, Zouk and her parents get a load of his favorite acorns to keep him busy and in the kitchen: Zouk cooks with the help of Jojo into a jelly stew, Mamizak's favorite dish. But in the general rush, Zouk misses the preparation. Fortunately, she gets hold of an old bag of instant jelly stew and lets the resulting mixture sit on a windowsill. But the children are horrified to see that the moonlight turns the jelly stew into... were-jelly! And there it is, swallowing Raymond! Zouk has to save the poor pig her grandmother loves so much...and who she didn't love very much!

      (With subtitles)

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  • 02:01 - 03:59

    Larva Island

    Larva Island survival story, Full of Laughs and Applause. Larva! They leave New York only to find themselves on a desert island! There they meet the human, Chuck, and other animal friends. Together, they strive to survive on the island! To escape the island! For the first time, a season in a seven-minute format! With the abundant production experience from creating season 1, 2, and 3, and a tighter storyline, we present the Larva Island survival story full of laughs and applause!
    • 02:01   Lala Island

      Missing Pink so very much, Yellow falls deep into sadness. Leaving Larva Island, Yellow heads toward New York to go find Pink but…

    • 02:07   MasterChef

      Yellow is so very good at cooking. Red is so very bad at cooking. Filled with burning envy and jealousy, Red begins desperate cooking training in order to beat Yellow in a cooking contest but…

    • 02:14   Farming

      Red and Yellow are so, so, so hungry. By chance, they happen to see corn growing from booby poop so they gather up all the booby poop and begin farming when…

    • 02:20   Pirate

      Chuck puts on a pirate hat he’s found and becomes a pirate captain. The pirate captain Chuck pillages Larva Island with his pirate skeletons and they drag the animal friends of Larva Island off to their pirate ship but…

    • 02:27   Change

      Each considers the other a foe but then, Chuck and Yellow end up changing bodies and…

    • 02:33   Maze

      Red and Yellow are trapped in a maze. Who could have trapped them there? It couldn’t have been the pathetic Chuck, could it? It couldn’t possibly be for that really humongous thing that happened that they are trapped in the maze, could it?

    • 02:40   Fire

      Woohoo! I’ve caught a fish! Agh! Red is inside the fish! A fiery comical showdown between Chuck, who is building a fire to cook and eat the fish, and Yellow, who is putting out the fire to save Red!

    • 02:46   Beach Volleyball

      In a match of beach volleyball, the larva team gets completely crushed by the Mudskipper King team. While wallowing in despair, the larva team meets by chance a grandpa mudskipper, who happens to be a beach volleyball master. Master! Please teach us! To get the grandpa mudskipper to teach them beach volleyball, the larva team engages in some ultra-special fawning…

    • 02:53   Larva Rangers 1

      The larva’s frail friend, a stick insect, arrives on the island riding a breeze. But the moment of happiness is fleeting one. The larva learns of the danger their New York friends are facing due to a rat-combo-bot…It is time for the Larva Ranger to rise up once again!

    • 03:00   Larva Rangers 2

      The comical battle of the century between the Larva Ranger robot and the rat-combo-bot! Who will be the victor of this duel of the century? Chuck?

    • 03:06   A Lucky Day

      The day is full of bad luck for Chuck because of the larva! For this, he gets smacked, for that, he’s knocked down, and for all his troubles, he receives a wedgie… What will be the final piece of luck that befalls the unlucky Chuck?

    • 03:13   Crabsformer 2

      The crabsformer is off by himself crying after being tormented by Chuck. A female crab goddess of the crab family appears before the poor crabsformer. The crabsformer has a good time with the female crab and other crab friends but then, Chuck grabs up the female crab and all his crab friends…

    • 03:19   Booby’s Love

      Booby’s Love Любовь Олуши 6+ The love of Booby and the duck tube gives “birth” to Booby’s egg. Chuck and the larva play soccer with the egg. Booby has a fit and tries to reclaim the egg but…

    • 03:26   Mango’s Parents

      Mango lost her mom and dad to a volcano eruption. Now that same volcano is erupting again. Mango’s magical drum is able to calm the volcano. But even the drum gets torn up so...

    • 03:32   Iceberg

      During the sweltering summer, an iceberg floats down to Larva Island! Yippee! It’s so cool! But only for a moment. For icebergs soon surround the island, and the larva and friends look as if they will freeze to death…

    • 03:39   Storm

      A typhoon has hit the island! The larva and friends join forces to try to avoid the typhoon. But in the end, they are swept up into the typhoon…What is the enormous secret hidden inside the typhoon?

    • 03:45   Escape

      The volcano has erupted again! The island gets blanketed in lava. Due to Chuck’s sacrifice, the larva and their friends are able to escape the lava but Chuck ends up surrounded by lava…

    • 03:52   Drift

      The larva and their friends are adrift in the ocean. Will the larva and friends be able to survive the ocean? Will we be able to meet them again…?

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  • 03:59 - 04:28

    Larva S.01

    The larva is an enduring creature with amazing talents, join us and marvel at Red & Yellow two best buddies. Watch as the world above rains down oddities into their humble abode at the bottom of a Storm water Drain. Red & Yellow not only survive but adapt to thrive by taking advantage of their tongues and every orifice they have available. Try to contain your giggles as these two bungling bugs are joined by their eccentric insect buddies in this incredibly comic show.
    • 03:59   Ice cream

      The ice cream is thrown on the drain grill. Red and Yellow battle over melted drips.

    • 04:00   Dancing in the rain

      On a rainy day, a bottle cap is accidently caught on Yellow, and he starts to tapdance. Red watching from a distance puts on another bottle cap and starts to dance.

    • 04:02   Mushroom

      Hungry red and yellow. Mushrooms grow wherever liquid drips from the sewers. The liquid that keeps dripping on the yellow side. Red is struggling to eat mushrooms...

    • 04:04   Insectivorous Plant

      Red wakes up to find a strangely looking plant. As soon as he turns around after examining it, the plant swallows him. What will happen to Yellow closing in upon this insect-eating plant?

    • 04:06   Snail

      A snail crawls across the sewer. Red and Yellow make fun of it for its slowness. The angered snail shoots slimy liquid on them, and they become as slow as the snail. A traffic accident above let toxic liquid into the sewer. The race of the three slowpokes for escape begins!

    • 04:07   Popcorn

      On a scorching day, starving Red and Yellow see a corn kernel dropping. The heated ground pops it into a popcorn. Leaving Red behind, Yellow steps into the sunlight to reach the popcorn, but he's already getting dried up.

    • 04:09   Psychic

      After struck by a lightning, Red and Yellow become able to use mysterious power. They start a fiery showdown to get the candy they have been fighting for.

    • 04:11   Spaghetti

      A long piece of spaghetti falls into the drain. A tug of war ignites between Red and Yellow.

    • 04:13   Airform

      A bubble wrap catches Red and Yellow's eyes. Red pops all of the bubbles, and Yellow gets depressed. Red yields the last bubble to Yellow. Will he be able to pop it?

    • 04:14   Cocoon 1

      After a sentimental day, Red turns into a cocoon for metamorphosis. Yellow mistakes the cocoon for a sand-bag and starts to punch it. What will happen to poor Red?

    • 04:16   Cocoon 2

      Red is having a nightmare about himself getting beat by Yellow when he was a cocoon. He discovers a cocoon hanging from the canister lid. He plans a revenge on Yellow, but does he have the right target?

    • 04:18   Puding

      Red is trapped in a pudding and he cannot breathe. Yellow takes Red out, but he ends up stuck in the same pudding. Will two worms be safe from this hazard?

    • 04:19   Watermelon

      Red deliberately spits out watermelon seeds to Yellow. Yellow gets even with Red by spitting them back to Red. The war of spitting seeds now begins.

    • 04:21   UFO

      The beam from the UFO from above restores things like sasauge crumb and dead flower to its original form. Yellow tries to heal sick Red with the beam, but they both get into the beam at the same time. What will happen to them?

    • 04:23   Fishing

      The sewer is flooded with water. Red and Yellow are barely avoiding the water on top of the piles of garbage. They see a sausage floating around and start a desparate fishing to get it.

    • 04:25   Hide and seek

      Red and Yellow are playing hide and seek. Red easily spots Yellow and gives a knuckle as a penalty. Yellow is upset by this punishment and starts to search Red. Can he find Red and gets even with him?

    • 04:26   Earthquake

      Yellow walks toward Red chewing a gum and blows a bubble. The bubble then floats in the air and pops in Red's head. Angry Red tries a flying kick then an earthquake strikes. The ground splits, leaving a crack into the ground. Red is about to fall into the crack...

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  • 04:28 - 05:37

    Beadies (Season 1)

    Beadies is a fun and cute educational music show for kids up to four years of age. It was created by an enthusiastic team of animators, teachers, yet smart and careful parents who put in the show not only their knowledge but also much love. Beadies is aimed at harmonious and versatile baby development, taking into account children’s needs and abilities for perception. Coco the Hen, Cheep, Wolfy, Foxtail, Meowser, and Hoppy all live in the magical Beadies album. Each character has its own pure color, favorite activities, and interactive games which appeal even to the smallest ones. The show features more than a hundred original kids’ songs. Watch! Follow! Learn!
    • 04:28   Dance

      In the fourteenth episode, our magical album opens to the green page. The preparation for Meowser's concert is in full swing, and his posters are everywhere! "Once again, it's my premiere, and all my friends are waiting for the concert," says Meowser. The program includes a new dance! The premiere is approaching, but Meowser can't quite get the dance right. Fortunately, friends are by his side: Cheep, Wolfy, Foxtail, and Hoppy armed themselves with drums and rush to help Meowser. With such company, everything will surely turn out fine! Bravo, the dance turned out fantastic! Let's applaud the friends and offer them juicy apples for refreshment and rest. But before that, let's not forget to wash our hands.

    • 04:34   Snowstorm

      In the fifteenth episode, we find ourselves on the white page of the magical album. But for some reason, nothing is visible here! A blizzard is raging, and even the roads are indistinguishable under the layer of snow. Hoppy is feeling lost and scared in this whiteout. But fear not! Cheep, Wolfy, Foxtail, and Meowser are here to help. They form a chain, holding each other's hands tightly so they won't get separated. Together, they navigate through the snowy landscape, calling out for Hoppy. Finally, they spot a small white figure in the distance. It's Hoppy, trying to find his way back. With a cheer of relief, they rush to his side and bring him back to safety. They realize that even in challenging times, friendship and teamwork can overcome any obstacle. Back home, they warm up with hot cocoa and, of course, wash their hands before enjoying their treat.

    • 04:39   Beads for mother

      Early morning on the yellow page of our magical album. Cheep wakes up and gets ready to greet the new day. It starts with important daily routines: Cheep makes his bed, washes up, and brushes his teeth. Oh no! While Cheep was busy with his morning tasks, something unpleasant happened to his mom – her beloved colorful beads broke and scattered everywhere. They need to be fixed! Cheep, together with his friends, turns this task into a game: "Take a bead in your hand, find the hole in it. Thread the string with the other hand, let's do it together!" And voila, new beads are ready for mom. How wonderful! She will be so delighted with such a gift!

    • 04:44   Balloons

      In the seventeenth episode of the "Beadies" cartoon, our album opens on the blue page: we are visiting Wolfy! He welcomes his friends with a bunch of colorful balloons and gives each one of them one balloon. The little animals tightly hold the balloon strings in their fists. But suddenly, a gust of wind blows and takes them away. Fortunately, our friends have a paper boat: they can jump into it and chase after the flying balloons! Let's catch and return the green balloon to Meowser, the white one to Hoppy, the red one to Foxtail, the yellow one to Cheep, and the blue one to Wolfy. Hooray!

    • 04:49   Balls

      The eighteenth episode of the cartoon begins: our magical album opens on the red page, and here comes Foxtail. Today, he has a ball in his hands! Let's see how many different games we can invent with it. Foxtail and his friends come up with five wonderful games using colorful balls, which promote agility, coordination, and quick reflexes. First, they toss and try to catch the red ball. Then they kick with their feet and attempt to catch the blue ball. Next, they roll the white ball to each other on the ground. After that, they throw the green ball in a way that it bounces off the floor before the second player catches it. And finally, in the last and most challenging game, the friends stand in a circle and throw the yellow ball to each other, from hand to hand! What a splendid workout it turned out to be! And after that, we won't forget to brush our teeth and lay down to rest under our favorite lullaby, sung by Dad today.

    • 04:54   Birdie

      In the nineteenth episode of the Beadies cartoon series, the album opens to the green page. Today, the birds are chirping loudly here. However, one of them can't make a sound. "Hey, Meowser, help the bird learn to sing!" It seems Meowser has an idea of how to do it! He knows about articulation exercises and suggests a few to the bird. First, they shout, "A-a-a!" while opening their mouths wide. Then they show their teeth, purse their lips, stick out their tongues, and wiggle them from side to side. They encourage the little one to join them and do the exercises together. Hooray, after this wonderful exercise, the bird sings, "Cheep-chirp!" and, of course, doesn't forget to thank everyone for their help. Now it's time to relax!

    • 05:00   Rays

      In the twentieth episode, the magical album opens to the white, wintry page. It's morning, and the sun is shining brightly. Hoppy needs to wash up and brush his teeth. But suddenly, all the sunbeams disappear! Will Hoppy and his friends be able to solve this puzzle? This episode introduces children to finger painting straight lines and emphasizes the importance of hygiene.

    • 05:05   Shapes

      Today, on Cheep's yellow page, an exciting game awaits. Different shapes like triangles, squares, circles, stars, and flowers are laid out in the meadow. How can they play with them? Coco the Hen will help Cheep and his friends understand shapes and play an interesting sorting game. After the game, they can enjoy a delicious meal, making sure to wash their hands beforehand. Cheep and his friends happily gather around the table and finish their tasty porridge, showing their empty plates. In this episode, children will learn about geometric shapes, object comparison, and the rules of sorting games. You can play along with your child to reinforce these skills.

    • 05:10   Laundry

      On the blue page, a little mishap occurs—a blue drop accidentally spills paint and splatters Wolfy's clothes. But there's no need to despair because they can call their friends for help and have a big washing session! All they need are basins of water, fragrant soap, and a cheerful song to lighten the mood. Cheep, Foxtail, Meowser, and Hoppy help Wolfy easily and playfully wash his clothes. After their efforts, the friends have a delicious dinner. The story ends with a tender lullaby that lulls not only Wolfy but also the little viewers. This episode introduces children to the concept of laundry, explains how dirty clothes can be made clean again, and shows how to take care of them. After watching the cartoon, you can suggest playing a laundry game with your child.

    • 05:16   Bench

      Foxtail and friends are on the red page, showing children how many fun and useful activities can be done with a simple bench. Meowser, Wolfy, Hoppy, Cheep, and Foxtail take turns playing the ""Top-Top-Top on the Bench"" game. This game develops coordination, balance, agility, and strength. Moreover, it can easily be recreated with a regular bench during a walk in the yard. After working up an appetite, the friends sit down to have lunch and, at the same time, introduce the children to a utensil called a fork. The episode concludes with Foxtail's beloved lullaby about the wind.

    • 05:21   Chorus

      Meowser has a wonderful idea! He wants to sing a song in harmony with his friends. Wolfy, Foxtail, Cheep, and Hoppy join Meowser on the stage to sing together. However, each one starts singing their own song, causing chaos. It turns out that to create harmony, they need to sing the same song! Luckily, there are birds nearby to teach them how to sing in unison and follow the notes. Finally, the friends sing the song together and it sounds great. After their performance, they need to have a meal (and also get acquainted with the fork), and then it's time to prepare for sleep while listening to the gentle lullaby.

    • 05:26   Sheep

      In this episode, the Beadies will have a fun drawing lesson for children. Hoppy drew a sheep, but something is not right. It turns out the sheep is sad because it doesn't have any circles! But that's easy to fix—just take some paint and draw lots of circles on the sheep. The Beadies show Hoppy and his friends how to do it correctly.

    • 05:32   Tails

      In this episode, Cheep introduces the little ones to an interesting game - putting together a picture from parts. The game aims to develop logical thinking and reinforce the names of colors and body parts - legs, tail, head... By the way, what is the tail for? There's a whole song about it in the cartoon. Cheep assembles portraits of the other cartoon characters - Wolfy, Foxtail, Meowser, and Hoppy - from colorful blocks. And here they come to visit! Only they don't have toys. What should you do if your friends don't have toys? That's right, share. After all, playing together is much more fun. As always, a sweet lullaby will sound at the end of the episode, preparing the little viewers for sleep.

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  • 05:37 - 06:00

    Alphabet s Tsarevnoy

    Alphabet with the Princess – 33 children's songs about each letter of the Russian alphabet. The plot of the song emphasizes the use of a particular letter in Russian speech, and a memorable song will help children to pass the stage of memorizing letters more easily.
    • 05:37   Letter М

    • 05:39   Letter Н

    • 05:40   Letter О

    • 05:41   Letter П

    • 05:42   Letter Р

    • 05:44   Letter С

    • 05:45   Letter Т

    • 05:46   Letter У

    • 05:48   Letter Ф

    • 05:49   Letter Х

    • 05:50   Letter Ц

    • 05:52   Letter Ч

    • 05:53   Letter Ш

    • 05:54   Letter Щ

    • 05:56   Letter Ъ

    • 05:57   Letter Ы

    • 05:58   Letter Ь

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  • 06:00 - 06:23

    Larva Kids

    Learn English Song With Larva
    • 06:00   Rudolph the red nosed reindeer_live action

    • 06:02   Rain Rain Go away_live action

    • 06:04   Great Jobs in the world_live action

    • 06:06   Let's go to the zoo_live action

    • 06:09   Head and Shoulders_live action

    • 06:11   Surpise eggs_Car

    • 06:14   Surpise eggs_Halloween

    • 06:16   Surpise eggs_Shark

    • 06:19   Surpise eggs_Larva Rangers

    • 06:21   Surpise eggs_Dino Friends

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  • 06:23 - 07:00

    Miao-Miao (Season 2)

    In each episode of the cartoon, friends Meow-Meow and Dodo will tell children about the meaning of English words, learning them in the form of funny scenes.
    • 06:23   Safari

    • 06:30   Treasure Explorer

    • 06:37   Super Hero

    • 06:44   Helping Baby Moose

    • 06:51   Little Detective

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  • 07:00 - 07:30

    Barbapapa Classic

    Katya and Fedya live in the village, they have amazing friends — a family of unusual creatures led by Barbapapa.
    • 07:00   Barbapapa's matador

      Barbapapa goes along to watch a bull fight. But that is so cruel what they do to the poor bull. Wait though! And Barbapapa, thanks to a couple of barbatricks, raises the whole arena on stilts to great distress of the ridiculous bull fighters and to the grat joy of the cheering public.

      (With subtitles)
    • 07:05   Barbapapa visits Mexico

      Barbapapa is on holiday is Mexico. He has taken Cindy and Francois with him. Everywhere he goes people recognize him and he is received in state. During a sight-seeing tour of the country a little mexican boy acting as a guide, tells him of the sad legend about Aztec prince and princess. They also visit the famous Aztec pyramids. Barbapapa takes action in rescuing a group of Mexican farmers whom in a ferry boat are in danger of drowning. All sorts of things happen.

      (With subtitles)
    • 07:10   Setting a trap

      The whole Barbapapa family find themselves in the far north of Canada. Everybody is enjoying the snow-coverd landscape and the children are having a marvelous time on the ice. That is until Barbalib discovers a wounded rabbit and a cruel trap which is used to catch this lovely animal. Two scoundrel poachers attempt to make a big score but Barbapapa's don't take it lying down!

      (With subtitles)
    • 07:15   Baby food

      The baby continues to cry. He is hungry. Everybody is immediately busy making a delicious porridge for the baby. But first, the milk fresh from the cow, has to be boiled to kill all germs. Fruit from the garden is also good for the baby. There is no end. They invent all kinds of barbatricks in order to make the food ready for the baby. The Barbapapa's always have a solution.

      (With subtitles)
    • 07:20   Barbapapa's circus

      The whole Barbapapa family go to the circus with their friends, but, how is it possible? The big top is empty, nobody. No problem. The Barbapapa's give a circus performance themselves. Trained horses, knife throwers, clowns, acrobats - there is no end.

      (With subtitles)
    • 07:25   Doctor Barbazoo

      Barbazoo is the vet from the large zoo. Together with his sister, nurse Barbalala, he does his work capable. A distressed mother elephant has climbed to the top of rocks and won't come down. Her little one has been sold to the circus. The call on the whole Barbapapa family for help, who with different attempts try to get the mother elephant to come down from rocks. Until using a spectacular barbatrick, mother elephant and youngster are reunited.

      (With subtitles)

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  • 07:30 - 08:05

    Barbapapa one big happy family!

    The dazzling return to the world’s screens of the most pop family of them all! THE RATHER UNUSUAL LIFE OF AN EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY. One big happy family!
    • 07:30   Zero Waste

      The Barbapapa family came up with an idea when they discovered a beach covered with rubbish: they are going to clean the beach and use what they have collected to make an incredible miniature golf course.

      (With subtitles)
    • 07:41   Greedyguts

      A voracious goat has escaped from the mountain and is coming to wreak havoc in the house, devouring everything in its path!

      (With subtitles)
    • 07:52   Silence please

      Barbalib wants to take part in a writing contest but the noise of his brothers and sisters prevents her from concentrating. Quiet please!

      (With subtitles)

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  • 08:05 - 08:10

    Character Nursery Rhymes

    Greetings, ChiChiPingPing friends! Let's begin an awesome journey with adorable Saengkeum, who is white like a snowball, PingPing who loves pink, her best friend ChiChi, Dogcat, Dracong and Sayo! Enjoy the ride on amazing Funybany that will take you high up in the sky! Sing with our friends Saengkeum, PingPing and Dracong and become their best friends!
    • 08:05   Dracong Song

      Have you ever heard of the legendary dragon, Dracong? Would you like to meet the infamous fire-breathing dragon? Then, let's sing 'Kong Kong Kong Kong Dracong' together! Kong Kong Kong Kong Dracong! Come out!

    • 08:07   Saengkeum Song

      We come across an adorable friend called Saengkeun who is white as snow and warm as fresh cream. As a food lover, Saengkeum says eating is the best thing in the world. Why don't we dance with this little friend? Ullala~ Ullala~

    • 08:08   Funybany Song

      Hello, ChiChiPingPing friends! Let's head out for an exciting trip on our adorable Funybany. How far do our friends want to go? How about out to the space? Enjoy the ride! Go go go!

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  • 08:10 - 08:15

    Animal Nursery Rhymes (Season 1)

    ChiChiPingPing meets real animals! Here are fun and exciting animal kids songs featuring real animals like dogs, cats and bears. Parents will also be singing and dancing to the songs!
    • 08:10   Ding Ding Puppy

      ChiChiPingPing friends are playing with cute, little puppies. Let’s shake and dance to the rhythm like the puppies!

    • 08:12   Sea Animal Cars

      Here come the Shark Police Car and Whale Fire Truck! Why don’t we swim inside the sea and check out the amazing sea animal transportations? There are Turtle Ambulance, Dolphin Bus, Clownfish Taxi, Panguin Bike and so on! Let’s set out for the sea world!

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  • 08:15 - 09:25

    Beadies (Season 1)

    Beadies is a fun and cute educational music show for kids up to four years of age. It was created by an enthusiastic team of animators, teachers, yet smart and careful parents who put in the show not only their knowledge but also much love. Beadies is aimed at harmonious and versatile baby development, taking into account children’s needs and abilities for perception. Coco the Hen, Cheep, Wolfy, Foxtail, Meowser, and Hoppy all live in the magical Beadies album. Each character has its own pure color, favorite activities, and interactive games which appeal even to the smallest ones. The show features more than a hundred original kids’ songs. Watch! Follow! Learn!
    • 08:15   Fishies

      In this episode, we tell the little ones about the wonderful season of summer and introduce them to the underwater world and its inhabitants. It's so nice to take a dip in the river on a hot sunny day! And there are fish in the river too. Wolfy and his friends dive into the water, make friends with the fish, and invite the kids to play a game called "Follow the Fish." "Fish, fish, fish, give us your smiles!" - sings a song under which everyone dances happily and learns what "right" and "left" mean. After the water fun, Wolfy treats everyone to buns and reminds the little ones of the importance of sharing pleasant things with friends. And, as usual, a beautiful lullaby plays at the end of the episode.

    • 08:21   Rope

      How many games can you come up with for a little one using just a rope? In this episode, Foxtail and his friends show simple game ideas that only require a rope and the cheerful songs of the Beadies. On the red page, Foxtail, along with friends, learns jumps, develops agility and coordination by playing active games. Also, in this episode, the characters show the little one how important it is to share something with their friends.

    • 08:26   Stream

      In this episode, the magical album opens to the green page because we are visiting Meowser. Here, it's spring, singing birds, and shining sun. But oh no, the stream woke up after winter and forgot its song. Who better than Meowser can help the stream? He composes his own song, playing it on the xylophone. And now the stream gurgles and sings its song together with Meowser. As usual, a beautiful lullaby plays at the end of the episode. It's a lovely, calm, and musical episode that helps the little one get acquainted with the season of spring, learn about a new musical instrument - the xylophone, and develop auditory perception.

    • 08:32   Snowman

      On the white page, it's winter at Hoppy's place. But today, there's a lot of snow, and Beadies can play snowballs and build a snowman! The little ones, together with Hoppy and his friends, will learn not only how to make a snowman out of snow but also how to draw it with their fingers. By imitating Hoppy and his friends, the little one will master finger drawing of curved lines. Repeat these exercises with the little one to develop drawing skills.

    • 08:37   A house for a cloud

      We are visiting Cheep's yellow page. Today the sun is shining brightly, and it's hot. How can we take shelter from the sun? Cheep and his friends find a solution by wearing hats. But oh no, the little cloud has nowhere to hide. It might melt under the hot sun rays. The cloud needs a house urgently. So Cheep and his friends build a mosaic house for the cloud!

    • 08:43   Dragonfly

      On Wolfy's blue page, it's hot and sunny. The trees and flowers are waiting for rain. Who flew to visit Wolfy on his page? It's a dragonfly! Wolfy and his friends happily welcome her and dance a funny dragonfly dance together. But oh no, the dragonfly got her wings wet in the pond and can't fly. Wolfy knows how to help. The sun will quickly dry the dragonfly's wings! And now she can fly again. In this episode, the little ones will learn about the properties of "wet" and "dry" objects and learn a new beautiful dance. Repeat it together with the children!

    • 08:48   A cloudy day

      Today on Foxtail's red page, there is fog, coolness, and drizzle. It's late autumn. Foxtail is feeling cold, and the Beadies remind him that he needs to dress warmer for walks in the cold autumn weather. Foxtail and his friends put on hats, raincoats, and boots. Now they can confidently go for a walk and have fun playing. Foxtail invites them to play a game to remember the parts of the body they already know. Repeat this game with your little one while watching the cartoon.

    • 08:54   Palms

      In the thirty-fourth episode, the magical album opens on Meowser's green page. Meowser is ready to introduce the little ones to a new musical instrument. Where is it? The Beadies can't find it. It turns out it's hands! A musical instrument that everyone has: "Clap, clap, clap!" Meowser and his friends will teach the little ones to create a melody by clapping their hands. This episode focuses on developing a sense of rhythm.

    • 08:59   Frost

      On Hoppy's white page, it's a real winter, and it's very cold! Everything around is covered in frost. But Hoppy is not afraid of the cold. The Beadies helped Hoppy dress warmer. And then Hoppy, together with his friends, will help the frost draw patterns on the windows. In this episode, the little one will learn about the phenomenon of frost. The characters will show how important it is to dress warmly when going for a walk in such weather. The little one will also learn finger drawing skills for drawing rounded lines along with Hoppy.

    • 09:05   Portrait

      On Cheep's yellow page, there's a lot of yellow color: yellow sun, yellow bees, yellow flowers. Coco the Hen showed Cheep his portrait. It's also yellow! Cheep's friends also want to create their portraits in their respective colors. Cheep has a solution! Mosaic! It can be used to create a portrait for each character. An interesting game ensues! At the end of the game, Coco the Hen reminds the children that they need to clean up after playing. In this episode, the little ones will review their knowledge of colors and learn to match and assemble parts to form a whole.

    • 09:10   Blue butterfly

      On Wolfy's blue page, it's morning! Wolfy wakes up and tidies up. Meanwhile, a beautiful blue butterfly flies to visit him! But suddenly, a gust of wind blows the butterfly into the pond, and the rain wets its wings. The butterfly can't free itself and asks for help. Wolfy and his friends rush to the rescue. The united team saves the butterfly and invites it for a tea party. In this episode, the little ones will learn about tidying up their belongings and setting the table. After watching the episode, you can involve the children in cleaning up and reinforce these skills.

    • 09:16   Hoops

      On Foxtail's red page, there is a lot of red color today: a red watermelon, red raspberries, a red sunset, and red strawberries. And there's also a red hula hoop, with which you can come up with various interesting games! The friends gather together and find many colorful hula hoops - white, blue, green, yellow, and red. Foxtail will show how to engage and play with the hula hoop. After the games, it's essential to clean up all the toys! The friends help Foxtail collect the toys and tidy up the red page of the magical album.

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  • 09:25 - 10:27

    ChiChi PingPing (Season 1)

    Traveling through a world beyond imagination and building trust and friendship amidst hidden secrets in the Golden Globe and difficult challenges, the adventure of ""ChiChiPingPing"" unfolds an increasingly mysterious and immersive story. The World Exploration Competition, inspired by Jules Verne's eternal classic 'Around the World in 80 Days,' is underway! Held every five years, this event now reaches its 10th anniversary. The winner will be presented with a prestigious honor and the Golden Globe. The genius inventor PingPing invites ChiChi, who possesses a natural gift for piloting, and Dogcat, a master of parkour, to join the competition. They embark on a thrilling adventure aboard PingPing’s self-made Funybany. On their first mission to find the best chef, the children encounter Sayo. They enjoy Sayo’s delicious meals and carry out their mission. One day, Saengkeum is unexpectedly created by a life energy liquid invented by PingPing, and the children quickly become friends with the cute and adorable Saengkeum. In their quest for the Dragon Fire, the children encounter Dracong in the Fire Country. With Dracong joining them, the children engage in the mission with increased excitement. Journeying through fantastical worlds such as 'An Island Where Two Suns Rise', 'Mirror Castle', 'Chocolate Country', and 'The Savannah', the children excellently accomplish diverse missions. Along the way, they build trust and friendship, and advance one step closer to the Golden Globe. Finally, the children are thrilled to undertake the level-up mission. However, Dr. Robinson reveals the secret hidden within the Golden Globe, throwing them into brief confusion. Nevertheless, their determination to face forthcoming missions is unstoppable. Embark on the World Exploration Competition with the distinctively charming ChiChiPingPing children! Let's explore the story and see how they succeed in their missions.
    • 09:25   I Am a Cat

      Dogcat, a Doggie who Aspires to Become a Cat! Dogcat, a quirky doggie, aspires to become a cat. Why would Dogcat want to be a cat? Born and abandoned by the roadside, he was raised by a kind-hearted cat couple, growing up believing himself to be a cat. However, one day, neighborhood kids teased him for not being able to climb trees. The captivating story of Dogcat's transformation, driven by his unique preferences, is unraveled!

    • 09:37   The Festival of Panda Village! (Part 1)

      Let's Head to Panda Village, A Place Renowed for Red Lanterns! Today's mission is ""Make a Wish on the Red Lantern!"" But what is a red lantern? Anyways, let's set off to Panda Village, a most renowned place for red lanterns, in search of one. However, to obtain a red lantern in Panda Village, our friends must participate in peculiar game competitions, and it turns out that winning is not easy as expected. Nevertheless, our friends will surely succeed in their mission once again. Join us on the journey to Panda Village!

    • 09:50   The Festival of Panda Village! (Part 2)

      Can our friends obtain a red lantern and fly it? The ChiChiPingPing explorers must participate in game competitions to obtain a red lantern. Unfortunately, they meet with defeat in the peculiar games, including dice rolling, dumpling eating followed by whistling, and archery. Now, only one final game remains - a test of quickly moving beans and then reciting numbers! If they fail in this game as well, they won't be able to obtain the red lantern, and the mission will be unaccomplished. Can Dracong, the representative player, win the red lantern in the final game?

    • 10:02   The Search for Lost Memory (Part 2)

      Find Dr. Robinson! For today’s mission, the crew must find Dr. Robinson, the record-holder with the most wins in the World Exploration Competition, and retry the mission that he has previously failed. To find Dr. Robinson, our friends head to the Lost and Found Center in the heart of the Desert of Memories, a place filled with intricate computer devices, such as memory scanners and monitors. With the assistance of an elderly gentleman they meet there, they begin to unravel the clues regarding Dr. Robinson's whereabouts. Where on earth could Dr. Robinson be?

    • 10:15   The Search for Lost Memory (Part 2)

      The Last Mission and the Beginning of a New Adventure! The crew finally encounters Dr. Robinson, but he has lost all his memories! To help him recall, our friends head to the enormous sandglass of memories in the Desert of Memories. As they approach the hourglass, Dr. Robinson’s memories begin to unfold around them like photographs. Dr. Robinson’s memories come to life as he looks at one particular photo. It was a failed mission: find the original copy of the novel ""Around the World in 80 Days."" Will the thrilling final mission with Dr. Robinson, who has regained his memories, be a success? Let’s set out together!

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  • 10:27 - 10:40

    ChiChi PingPing (Season 2)

    ChiChiPingPing and their friends, who recently began their first mission for the Golden Globe in the World Exploration Competition, have already completed the basic level and advanced to the Silver Level. At the silver level, the second stage, they will face tougher missions and encounter worlds they have yet to experience. ChiChi, disappointed at not demonstrating his top-notch piloting skills, leads the team with PingPing, who promises more inventions to come. They are joined by Saengkeum, brimming with cuteness; Dogcat, confident in tackling any mission; Dracong, eager to share encyclopedia tales; and Sayo, dedicated to creating exquisite dishes. More of their captivating personalities will be unveiled in the Silver Level. Due to their relentless journey through the basic level, the Funybany unexpectedly malfunctions. PingPing and her friends rally together to repair it, and then set off for the Silver Level missions. Meanwhile, the aspiring top ballerina Kami goes missing from the Cloud Ballet School. On Junk Island, where the whole world’s scrap and junk accumulate, a furnace malfunction puts the island at risk of sinking. An abruptly flying carpet brings chaos to Monkey Village. Haenu and Capu are unable to have their wedding. They are eagerly awaiting ChiChiPingPing friends. Although the missions have become tougher, our friends have grown through the process. Their mutual consideration and friendship are now stronger than ever. In ChiChiPingPing Season 2, they travel to numerous unexplored places and enjoy fantastic sights. Along the way, they encounter a variety of characters, who are sometimes friendly and at other times villainous. With the ChiChiPingPing friends, there’s nothing to fear when facing any obstacle! Let's embark on this exciting journey together and advance through the newly begun Silver Level!
    • 10:27   Funybany in Crisis

      Funybany is Malfunctioning! Funybany encounters an unexpected breakdown right before the Silver Level of the World Exploration Competition. The reason is none other than the malfunction of Funybany’s engine, Funyheart. To fix Funyheart, three marbles need to be charged into Funybany. Our friends make a run to the Seagull Port to complete the mission. Will they manage to charge the marbles and return safely?

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  • 10:40 - 11:45

    Ella, Oscar et Hoo

    A smart bubbly girl, a bouncy little boy and a very young cloud: here are Ella, Oscar & Hoo! Together they will chase dinosaurs, explore mysterious woods, or be Santa’s devoted assistants… Everyday is a a new adventure, an opportunity to learn together about courage, honesty and childhood friendship!
    • 10:40   What a nightmare!

      Oscar's had a terrible nightmare and he's having trouble recovering from it. Fortunately, his friends are there to reassure him.

      (With subtitles)
    • 10:50   The Three Clans

      Oscar and Hoo are in the middle of the game and won't let Ella join them. Let's face it, she'll show them that she's having a great time on her own.

      (With subtitles)
    • 11:01   The Nice Little Duck

      Oscar finds a little stray duckling and decides to take care of it with the help of Ella. It's hard being a parent!

      (With subtitles)
    • 11:12   Ella's House

      In the absence of his parents, Oscar stays for two nights at Ella's house. Unlike Hoo who's having fun like a little fool, Oscar feels lost.

      (With subtitles)
    • 11:22   The Price Is Not Right

      To make a bit of pocket money, Ella decides to charge everything. But then everything! Life quickly becomes impossible for Oscar and Hoo.

      (With subtitles)
    • 11:33   Mummies' Day

      It's Mother's Day, but Ella and Oscar have nothing to offer. Not a problem! They're going to make gifts with the means on board.

      (With subtitles)

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  • 11:45 - 12:00

    Larva S.01

    The larva is an enduring creature with amazing talents, join us and marvel at Red & Yellow two best buddies. Watch as the world above rains down oddities into their humble abode at the bottom of a Storm water Drain. Red & Yellow not only survive but adapt to thrive by taking advantage of their tongues and every orifice they have available. Try to contain your giggles as these two bungling bugs are joined by their eccentric insect buddies in this incredibly comic show.
    • 11:45   Fishing

      The sewer is flooded with water. Red and Yellow are barely avoiding the water on top of the piles of garbage. They see a sausage floating around and start a desparate fishing to get it.

    • 11:47   Hide and seek

      Red and Yellow are playing hide and seek. Red easily spots Yellow and gives a knuckle as a penalty. Yellow is upset by this punishment and starts to search Red. Can he find Red and gets even with him?

    • 11:48   Earthquake

      Yellow walks toward Red chewing a gum and blows a bubble. The bubble then floats in the air and pops in Red's head. Angry Red tries a flying kick then an earthquake strikes. The ground splits, leaving a crack into the ground. Red is about to fall into the crack...

    • 11:50   Hair-growth Solution

      some unknown liquid fall in to the drain and fall down to Yellow's head. And Yellow's hair starts to grow. Red wants same this again!

    • 11:52   Flood 1

      The sewer is flooded with water. Red and Yellow get on a can, barely avoiding the water, suddenly a monster fish appears and threatens Red and Yellow. They find a vine that hangs in the sewer grill and manage to flee from the fish by climbing it up. But the vine can not hold both weight...

    • 11:54   Walnut

      Red and Yellow find solid walnut. But, it seems too solide to break it. Looking at the Black who is punching just beside them, they get an idea...

    • 11:55   Wild Wild World 1

      Red and Yellow turn into cocoon to become butterfly. With beautiful wings, they finally get out of the drain and meet really world. But, the world seems really tough and wild to our little butterflies.

    • 11:57   Wild Wild World 2

      Hit here and there, even Red and Yellow's wings are gone. In this wild world with full of human and cars, Red and Yellow seems lost...

    • 11:59   Wild Wild World 3

      Almost dead hit by a bycicle, Yellow and Red barely survived. They are just happy to be survived and find a sausage. But, someone already grapped it...

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  • 12:00 - 12:23

    Larva S.02

    Witness Red & Yellow as find themselves freed from the confides of the underground and living in a small apartment, along with a new cast of creatures who are eagerto meet them. Using all their talents (and orifices) and with help of some old friends the comic duo manage to put on a show that is funnier than ever.
    • 12:00   Welcome Larva!

      Red & Yellow find themselves in a house surrounded by loads of food and new frenemies.

    • 12:03   Soap Bubbles

      Yellow can blow amazing bubbles, Red can't. Some rigorous nostril training may be required.

    • 12:06   Robot

      Yellow's in control & Red's a robot head. Now with arms do they have a good shot at defeating Prussian?

    • 12:09   Stop, Freeze!

      Red, Yellow and Brown get trapped in the freezer, if they stop moving they will become bugsicles.

    • 12:12   Upstanding

      Yellow swallows a Roly-Poly Toy thanks to Red, now he must deal with always being upright.

    • 12:14   Black’s back

      Black's trapped, Yellow wants to help but Red still holds a grudge. If only Black wasn’t so big.

    • 12:17   Tomato

      Yellow strives to take care of a tomato on the windowsill and he develops feelings for his food.

    • 12:20   Make-Up

      Red & Yellow find some make-up and apply it to the other insects, with varying acceptance. Now dance!

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  • 12:23 - 14:10

    Larva S.03

    Now it's the New York City. Watch Red and Yellow’s incredible abilities while they explore the city. A whole new adventure in a bigger scale!
    • 12:23   Donut

      Out on the loney, cold street of New York City, Red and Yellow suffer from starvation. When they are about to collapse from hunger something came into their sight! A Donut! Now the competition starts between Red and Yellow to take over the donut!

    • 12:25   Flare

      While shivering in the middle of the freezing streets of NY, Red, Yellow and Brown luckily find a lit-up match. Despite their desperate effort to keep the flare from dying out, the fire keeps on getting smaller. Could they save thier flare? Burn, baby, burn!

    • 12:26   Typhoon

      One disaster after another, now it's a typhoon! Then starts the bugs' pitiful chase for a little cocktail weenie in the midst of the disaster... Who will be the lucky winner?

    • 12:28   Fireplug

      It's a very hot day, so hot that it is like a burnig oven. In such deadly heat, Red and Yellow are desperate to put the water drops seeping out of a fireplug into their mouths. But they keep on missing it by the oddest timing. Why?!

    • 12:30   Lemon

      After their horrible first encounter with the sourness of lemon, Red and Yellow decide to kindly share their pain with their fellow bugs. Come and get your lemon, boys!

    • 12:32   Shade

      It's so hot out, you could burn to death... Literally! As the shadow, the only protection against the scorching heat, becomes smaller and smaller, Red and Yellow spot a larger shadow from afar. Come ye who seek refuge, sweat, sweat, and sweat!

    • 12:33   Ice

      Red and Yellow's magnificent Ice Show on the frozen water fountain! Bam! Red falls onto the ice and it starts cracking! Could Red and Yellow survive from this terrible ice cracks?

    • 12:35   Stream

      Raining cats and dogs, along with the sewage that sucks in everything like a black hole. Red and Yellow struggle to escape from the flood but they keep on getting closer to the drain. Can this get any worse? ...Wait, did you just see something move over there? Hang on tightly guys!

    • 12:37   Basketball

      Boing boing! Red and Yellow show off their dribbling skills! He Shoots! He scores! Then come their opponents! 3 on 3, the game is on! The winner takes it all, now get your head in the game!

    • 12:39   Tickle

      Poke! Poke! Who knew that Yellow would be so ticklish? After suffering for a while from Red who takes advantage of the weakness, Yellow finds an ultimate tool to protect himself. Well, bring it on now!

    • 12:40   Hiccup

      Hic! Hic! Yellow gets a terrible hiccup after swallowing a spicy jalapeno.Every time Yellow bounces up and down to his hiccup, he lands on a stone with a pointy edge. Ouch! Watching this, Red and Brown burst out in laughter. Oh so you think this is funny? Shared pain is half the pain. Come on guys~ let me give you a hug!

    • 12:42   Mouse

      Red and Yellow come to New York to avoid a parrot and a chameleon. There’s nothing we are afraid of anym…. Now what? A mouse (Grey) with sharp nails and scary teeth appears. He’s an outlaw on New York City’s streets. There’s a saying that evildoing always catches up with you... On an electric wire? The mouse (Grey) will instigate Larva’s trademark action in the air.

    • 12:44   Magnet

      “I’m so hungry.” Yellow looks through a trash can and finds a magnet! Yellow and Red play with the pieces of the broken magnet and end up stuck to each other. Can they unstick themselves from one another?

    • 12:46   Stick insect

      Gently and slowly falling leaves…I can touch one..! Oww, my hand hurts just from touching this leaf… Let us introduce our new friend, Ivory, a stick insect in New York.

    • 12:47   Oil

      Oil swoops down on the sleeping Red and Yellow! Due to Yellow’s sleeping habits, Red and Yellow perform a circus, which wakes Mouse up.This is bad! Mouse swallows Red and Yellow. Can Red and Yellow escape from Mouse’s stomach?

    • 12:49   Thunder Red

      Red is struck by lightning! Red becomes a lightning-larva, faster than anyone else! Hahaha!! Nobody can catch up with my speed! Red plays practical jokes on his friends and runs away. His friends try to come up with an idea to get revenge on Red. That’s a good idea!! We can’t just let him get away with this. Red, wait!!

    • 12:51   Cement

      The drain is under construction. Everybody gets covered with cement and they harden while they fight over who will get to eat a sausage. They won’t just give up their struggle for the sausage… Who is going to end up having the sausage?

    • 12:53   Wrap

      Here’s a ham and there’s a ham! Red and Yellow go into a heavenly ham store. When they jump up next to an amazingly delicious looking ham and begin to eat, they get trapped in plastic wrap. Red and Yellow are crushed inside the plastic wrap! This is the story of their escape from their plastic wrap prison.

    • 12:54   The Silver

      Hey... Huh?! Fluttering grey feathered wings and fruit peel pulled over their heads... complete with a dumb look on their faces! Twin pigeons, ‘Hey-silver’ and ‘Huh-silver,’ appear in front of Red and Yellow. The larvae narrowly escape the beak attacks... ‘Uh, what the heck?’ a surprising revelation. Hey-silver and Huh-silver’s secret is revealed.

    • 12:56   Ark

      Kaboom! A storm leaves much of the city under water and a prophet stands next to a giant ark...? Red snaps out of a dream. This must be a precognitive dream! Red starts to build an ark despite taunting from Yellow and friends...And when the ark is finally completed, rain starts to pour! Hey, wait... The prophet from my dream... it was you?!

    • 12:58   Cancan

      A bunch of bees are thrown out of the flower garden by the larva gang while collecting honey! Aggrieved, the angry bees return with their colleagues.Get ready for a French can-can dance performance in flower skirts and lilting music!

    • 13:00   Massage

      Presumably from making poop balls every day, Brown boasts an amazing massage skills. With his gifted healing hands, Brown fixes Yellow’s back problems and Rainbow’s injured finger. While chasing larva and friends, a rat falls off the building and is seriously injured. Should I run or should I cure the injured? Brown is torn by the dilemma. What would he choose to do?

    • 13:01   Loyalty

      Yellow accidently shoves Black while trying to pick up a sausage. A piece of trash was falling from above right at that moment and Yellow unwittingly saves Black. Black is deeply (and wrongly) touched by Yellow’s action and begins to show his gratitude in different ways...

    • 13:03   Tag

      The larva and friends play blindfolded tag. Yellow is ‘it.’ Red narrowly avoids being tagged and Yellow continues searching... Who’s over here? Hey! You can’t go that way, Yellow! Who’s next ‘it’?

    • 13:05   Cup noodle

      There’s a steaming, delicious cup noodle. Let’s have a taste, shall we? But the noodle is too hot for Red and Yellow. I want the noodle! But it’s too hot! Red and Yellow’s attempt to tackle a steaming hot cup noodle!

    • 13:07   Tower Stack

      In the back alley of the bustling New York, Red, Yellow and Brown play tower stack.Tired of losing, Red brings in... a ring! But Yellow and Brown manage to skillfully stack and balance impossible objects on top of the ring. Wobble, wobble... What will go on top of the wobbling tower?

    • 13:08   Dance battle

      A dance battle is held in the street of New York with a thumping beat blaring in the background! The larva gang get into two teams of three for a dance battle. But when the battle reaches the peak, the music is suddenly cut off. Is it time for me to intervene? Thanks to the Stick Insect’s unexpected talent, the street becomes a dance floor again.

    • 13:10   Detective 1

      Yellow is worried that someone might steel his sausage while he sleeps. So, he decides to set up a booby trap! After setting up unbreakable, layers of traps, Yellow goes to sleep satisfied. But later, he wakes up to find that his sausage had been stolen. Detective Yellow goes in action to find the perpetrator and discover the fate of the missing sausage.

    • 13:12   Detective 2

      Yellow who secretly watches the behavior of his friends and gathers evidence. Yes, all the secrets are out now!! The culprit who ate my sausage is....!!

    • 13:14   Yellow's secret

      Lucky Yellow, found another delicious sausage! I'm going to keep it hidden this time. Yellow, who was worried, buried sausage in the ground...Yellow's 24-hour vigilance to protect the restless sausage! Loyalty! Sausage clear!

    • 13:15   Straw

      Yellow, who was drinking the orange juice that was left in the straw, and the moment he pushed his head in for the last drop of juice in the middle... The straw got stuck in my head! To make matters worse, red also gets stuck on the other side...Who's the white horse prince who just showed up and saved Red?!

    • 13:17   Confetti_poppers

      Bang! Oh, my gosh! Yellow, startled by the sound of firecrackers, is just too scared of them. Red and Brown, who don't know the speed of Yellow and are scrambling to get firecrackers! Guys, don't pop it! But eventually, the confetti poppers go off....?

    • 13:19   Rain

      Dark clouds covering the sky of New York City, blah blah blah! Soon, bombs of rain begin to fall. Red and Yellow trying to move to a strong can, but Red is helpless by raindrops. That's when Yellow stepped up! Two rounds in the air!

    • 13:21   A day in the life of Larva

      Even for Red and Yellow, who are always in constant trouble, there's actually a normal routine! Revealing Red and Yellow's private lives that Lavar didn't show! What kind of day will the two friends have?!

    • 13:22   Life of a Rat

      Every one is afraid of Rat who is always picking on Larva and friends. But if you look closely, Rat has his own worries and woes, too.

    • 13:24   Fighter in the wind

      Stick insect is being blown here and there by the strong wind. Yellow helps him out but the wind is just too strong. Bravely, Stick Insect decides to fight against the wind.

    • 13:26   Flash light

      Late at night, Larva and friends are being chased by Rat. Just when they are cornered, the street light goes out. Blink Blink. How will Larva and friends survive in the pitch darkness?

    • 13:28   Feelers

      Swoosh. A strong wind blows Yellow out on to the ocean. How will he get back to shore? Just then a hungry mosquito approaches Yellow. Every itchy bite becomes Yellow's rescue.

    • 13:29   Fashion show

      The f/w fashion leader, Stick Insect boasts his unipue taste in fasion: an artistic roll-up hair, wild ankle pants and vintage layer tops. Who will be the next top model?

    • 13:31   Red, a Budding Comedian

      Yellow is always the life of the party. Red desires to be the center of attention but is no good at jokes or comedy.

    • 13:33   Glove

      Larva and friends hide inside a glove while on the run. Silver keeps attacking and they learn to slap with the glove. Come on! We are coming to get you!

    • 13:35   Troublemaker

      Yellow is having a bad day. He keeps causing trouble. I'm sorry my friends!

    • 13:36   Sea Battle

      Larva nad friends face each other on an open sea. Fire! A tense battle continues. Who will be the conqueror?

    • 13:38   Dizziness

      Larva and Friends are rolling inside an empty can. Whoaaaa!!! Everyone's eyes are spinning and spinning. Who will get to the sausage first?

    • 13:40   Pitapat 1

      Stick Insect and Cocoa are on a nervous date. He reaches out for her hand but may be this is too much romance for Stick Insect.

    • 13:42   Pitapat 2

      Poor Stick Insect is being ignored by Cocoa. Will this be the end of their short romance?

    • 13:43   Marathon

      Yellow hides his sausage before going to bed. But when he wakes up, Yellow finds himself somewhere far from home. Yellow's lone marathon to retrieve his sausage begins.

    • 13:45   Flood

      It's raining cats and dogs. Red and Yellow barely manage to board an empty can in the flooded alley along with Rat!

    • 13:47   New friend 1

      Yellow is fooling around as usual and Red is furious. Yellow is sad that Red is not kind to him but soon finds a new friend!

    • 13:49   New friend 2

      Teddy's leg is ripped off by Red. The next day, things between Red and Yellow are no longer the same. Yellow is a whole new Larva.

    • 13:50   New friend 3

      Red travels deep down the drain to retrieve Teddy's torn leg but gets trapped inside the hole! Not knowing what happened to Red, Yellow is enjoying his time with Teddy.

    • 13:52   New friend 4

      Yellow discovers Red at the bottom of the drain. Yellow attempts to save Red but the rope is too short! What will he do?

    • 13:54   Umbrella

      It's raining heavily outside. Larva and Friends are taking shelter under a discarded umbrella, their stomachs rumbling... Just then, Red is caught eating a sausage all by himself.

    • 13:56   Distress 1

      On a cold, snowy night, Red and Yellow are being chased by Rat as usual. They manage to escape on a piece of brick... But oops, there is no way out.

    • 13:57   Distress 2

      You must not fall asleep! Red and Yellow try their best to keep each other from dozing off. But wait... are we trying to keep each other awake or… is this something else?

    • 13:59   An out-of-body experience

      Yellow accidentally bumps his head while diving for a sausage. His soul is separated from the fainted body and it enters the sausage. Guys, stop! It's me, Yellow!

    • 14:01   Minicar

      Turn right. Turn left. Red and Yellow are having fun with a miniature car. Then 'SNAP!' The control stick breaks off. Whoa! Careful! Look out!

    • 14:03   One-sided love 1

      Yellow and Pink are always so lovey dovey. But when Pink falls in danger on her way home, Red is the one who rescues and gets trapped with her.

    • 14:04   One-sided love 2

      Red secretly sneaks in and out of a hole, looking after Pink who believes they are trapped. Meanwhile, Yellow spends his day crying and missing Pink.

    • 14:06   Roll a dung!

      While sleep-rolling his dung ball, he unintentionally gathers all kinds of things and the dung ball grows enormous. Will Brown be able to give up his no. 1 treasure?

    • 14:08   Bobsleigh

      A bobsleigh race takes place in the frozen alley of New York! The skilled Team Larva vs. the Powerful Team Rat… Who will be the glorious winner?

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  • 14:10 - 15:17


    The hero Dino warrior defeats the villain Darkno and rules the universe. After time passes and Dino warrior dies, The Darkno, who regained his power, is about to attack the Earth...! And what will happen to the fate of the Earth?
    • 14:10   Showdown! Rex vs. Darkno

      At Kaya’s failure, Darkno decides to face off against Rex personally. Regarding this as having some fun, he plans to blow up the volcano. Saying that he’ll give Rex a chance to save everyone, Darkno tells Rex to bring some pizza. Rex needs to deliver the pizza within the allotted time to stop Darkno from blowing up the volcano but every single mech dino he has fought till now appears before him.

      (With subtitles)
    • 14:21   Pizza that you have with your friends!

      Rex barely manages to somehow incredibly deliver the pizza to Darkno. But Darkno ignores his promise and launches attacks against Rex. Rex and the Dinocore combine all their strength to fight Darkno. What will be the fate of earth?

      (With subtitles)
    • 14:32   Let’s go! Dinocore!

      While out on a pizza delivery, Rex runs into the Dinocore by chance and becomes a warrior protecting earth. With the help of Dinocore’s former Dino Master Baryon, Rex and the Dinocore are able to accomplish a Level 5 Union, the Ultra D Buster, and even pull off a core change. Let’s stand up to the villain Darkno and protect earth! And work hard to deliver pizza too…

      (With subtitles)
    • 14:43   Level 2 Union! D Buster!

      Rex talks it up to his friends about becoming a warrior protecting earth. But the Dinocore are not feeling so great for they feel degraded at becoming pizza delivery cars. Right then, a mech dino appears gunning for the spaceship. Ah~ But we’re only able to execute a Level 2 Union, the D Buster… Still, if you don’t have teeth, then you fight with your gums!

      (With subtitles)
    • 14:55   Level 3 Union! Mega D Buster!

      The spaceship has been moved to the pizza parlor basement. Now if only they could execute a Level 5 Union… As Rex implements absurd Level 5 Union training, the Dinocore are unable to place their trust in Rex. Only Stego, with John’s help, is able to accept the new Dino Master Rex as a friend, leading to a successful Level 3 Union, the Mega D Buster!

      (With subtitles)
    • 15:06   Level 5 Union! Ultra D Buster!

      Emily declares herself the Dino Manager in order to help them be able to execute a Level 5 Union, the Ultra D Buster. She tells them they need to come together as one but Rex says since they were able to win continually without Saber, that they are fine. But then, they are faced with a crisis. Saber, help us! Level 5 Union, Ultra D Buster complete!

      (With subtitles)

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  • 15:17 - 16:10

    The Little Princess

    Children never like the adult rules. Sleep at night, wash your face and brush your teeth in the morning, share toys with the neighborhood kids and swim in the bath? No! No! And once again No! The capricious Little Princess has her own thoughts of how the day should look like. And the night, of course, too. Wayward, naughty and cheerful Little Princess lover games, fun and adventures! How can parents cope with it? They will need kindness, tenderness and a little cunning. The kids will definitely like the capricious Little Princess, because every child can recognize himself in this character!
    • 15:17   Ouch, It Hurts

    • 15:23   Cartoons! 

    • 15:33   Jumping!

    • 15:40   Winterfun

    • 15:46   Racer

    • 15:52   Monsters Everywhere

    • 16:02   Octopus Rescue

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  • 16:10 - 16:26

    Larva S.01

    The larva is an enduring creature with amazing talents, join us and marvel at Red & Yellow two best buddies. Watch as the world above rains down oddities into their humble abode at the bottom of a Storm water Drain. Red & Yellow not only survive but adapt to thrive by taking advantage of their tongues and every orifice they have available. Try to contain your giggles as these two bungling bugs are joined by their eccentric insect buddies in this incredibly comic show.
    • 16:10   Fishing

      The sewer is flooded with water. Red and Yellow are barely avoiding the water on top of the piles of garbage. They see a sausage floating around and start a desparate fishing to get it.

    • 16:12   Hide and seek

      Red and Yellow are playing hide and seek. Red easily spots Yellow and gives a knuckle as a penalty. Yellow is upset by this punishment and starts to search Red. Can he find Red and gets even with him?

    • 16:14   Earthquake

      Yellow walks toward Red chewing a gum and blows a bubble. The bubble then floats in the air and pops in Red's head. Angry Red tries a flying kick then an earthquake strikes. The ground splits, leaving a crack into the ground. Red is about to fall into the crack...

    • 16:16   Hair-growth Solution

      some unknown liquid fall in to the drain and fall down to Yellow's head. And Yellow's hair starts to grow. Red wants same this again!

    • 16:17   Flood 1

      The sewer is flooded with water. Red and Yellow get on a can, barely avoiding the water, suddenly a monster fish appears and threatens Red and Yellow. They find a vine that hangs in the sewer grill and manage to flee from the fish by climbing it up. But the vine can not hold both weight...

    • 16:19   Walnut

      Red and Yellow find solid walnut. But, it seems too solide to break it. Looking at the Black who is punching just beside them, they get an idea...

    • 16:21   Wild Wild World 1

      Red and Yellow turn into cocoon to become butterfly. With beautiful wings, they finally get out of the drain and meet really world. But, the world seems really tough and wild to our little butterflies.

    • 16:22   Wild Wild World 2

      Hit here and there, even Red and Yellow's wings are gone. In this wild world with full of human and cars, Red and Yellow seems lost...

    • 16:24   Wild Wild World 3

      Almost dead hit by a bycicle, Yellow and Red barely survived. They are just happy to be survived and find a sausage. But, someone already grapped it...

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  • 16:26 - 16:48

    Larva S.02

    Witness Red & Yellow as find themselves freed from the confides of the underground and living in a small apartment, along with a new cast of creatures who are eagerto meet them. Using all their talents (and orifices) and with help of some old friends the comic duo manage to put on a show that is funnier than ever.
    • 16:26   Welcome Larva!

      Red & Yellow find themselves in a house surrounded by loads of food and new frenemies.

    • 16:29   Soap Bubbles

      Yellow can blow amazing bubbles, Red can't. Some rigorous nostril training may be required.

    • 16:31   Robot

      Yellow's in control & Red's a robot head. Now with arms do they have a good shot at defeating Prussian?

    • 16:34   Stop, Freeze!

      Red, Yellow and Brown get trapped in the freezer, if they stop moving they will become bugsicles.

    • 16:37   Upstanding

      Yellow swallows a Roly-Poly Toy thanks to Red, now he must deal with always being upright.

    • 16:40   Black’s back

      Black's trapped, Yellow wants to help but Red still holds a grudge. If only Black wasn’t so big.

    • 16:43   Tomato

      Yellow strives to take care of a tomato on the windowsill and he develops feelings for his food.

    • 16:45   Make-Up

      Red & Yellow find some make-up and apply it to the other insects, with varying acceptance. Now dance!

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  • 16:48 - 17:15

    Larva S.03

    Now it's the New York City. Watch Red and Yellow’s incredible abilities while they explore the city. A whole new adventure in a bigger scale!
    • 16:48   Donut

      Out on the loney, cold street of New York City, Red and Yellow suffer from starvation. When they are about to collapse from hunger something came into their sight! A Donut! Now the competition starts between Red and Yellow to take over the donut!

    • 16:50   Flare

      While shivering in the middle of the freezing streets of NY, Red, Yellow and Brown luckily find a lit-up match. Despite their desperate effort to keep the flare from dying out, the fire keeps on getting smaller. Could they save thier flare? Burn, baby, burn!

    • 16:52   Typhoon

      One disaster after another, now it's a typhoon! Then starts the bugs' pitiful chase for a little cocktail weenie in the midst of the disaster... Who will be the lucky winner?

    • 16:54   Fireplug

      It's a very hot day, so hot that it is like a burnig oven. In such deadly heat, Red and Yellow are desperate to put the water drops seeping out of a fireplug into their mouths. But they keep on missing it by the oddest timing. Why?!

    • 16:55   Lemon

      After their horrible first encounter with the sourness of lemon, Red and Yellow decide to kindly share their pain with their fellow bugs. Come and get your lemon, boys!

    • 16:57   Shade

      It's so hot out, you could burn to death... Literally! As the shadow, the only protection against the scorching heat, becomes smaller and smaller, Red and Yellow spot a larger shadow from afar. Come ye who seek refuge, sweat, sweat, and sweat!

    • 16:59   Ice

      Red and Yellow's magnificent Ice Show on the frozen water fountain! Bam! Red falls onto the ice and it starts cracking! Could Red and Yellow survive from this terrible ice cracks?

    • 17:01   Stream

      Raining cats and dogs, along with the sewage that sucks in everything like a black hole. Red and Yellow struggle to escape from the flood but they keep on getting closer to the drain. Can this get any worse? ...Wait, did you just see something move over there? Hang on tightly guys!

    • 17:02   Basketball

      Boing boing! Red and Yellow show off their dribbling skills! He Shoots! He scores! Then come their opponents! 3 on 3, the game is on! The winner takes it all, now get your head in the game!

    • 17:04   Tickle

      Poke! Poke! Who knew that Yellow would be so ticklish? After suffering for a while from Red who takes advantage of the weakness, Yellow finds an ultimate tool to protect himself. Well, bring it on now!

    • 17:06   Hiccup

      Hic! Hic! Yellow gets a terrible hiccup after swallowing a spicy jalapeno.Every time Yellow bounces up and down to his hiccup, he lands on a stone with a pointy edge. Ouch! Watching this, Red and Brown burst out in laughter. Oh so you think this is funny? Shared pain is half the pain. Come on guys~ let me give you a hug!

    • 17:08   Mouse

      Red and Yellow come to New York to avoid a parrot and a chameleon. There’s nothing we are afraid of anym…. Now what? A mouse (Grey) with sharp nails and scary teeth appears. He’s an outlaw on New York City’s streets. There’s a saying that evildoing always catches up with you... On an electric wire? The mouse (Grey) will instigate Larva’s trademark action in the air.

    • 17:09   Magnet

      “I’m so hungry.” Yellow looks through a trash can and finds a magnet! Yellow and Red play with the pieces of the broken magnet and end up stuck to each other. Can they unstick themselves from one another?

    • 17:11   Stick insect

      Gently and slowly falling leaves…I can touch one..! Oww, my hand hurts just from touching this leaf… Let us introduce our new friend, Ivory, a stick insect in New York.

    • 17:13   Oil

      Oil swoops down on the sleeping Red and Yellow! Due to Yellow’s sleeping habits, Red and Yellow perform a circus, which wakes Mouse up.This is bad! Mouse swallows Red and Yellow. Can Red and Yellow escape from Mouse’s stomach?

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  • 17:15 - 18:21


    The little witch who’s quite a character! Welcome to the ordinary life of a Not-So-Ordinary Kid. ZOUK, the little witch-apprentice…with a big personality. Follow her adventures with her friends in the BIG BIG city bursting with possibilities.
    • 17:15   Beautiful memories from the frozen land

      While helping Howziegoin to tidy up his workshop, Zouk discovers that not only has her dad created a lot of inventions that he has forgotten how to use, but that they are always for others. Zouk sets her sights on an enigmatic beetle-shaped amulet: who did his father make it for and what is it for? Is it a lucky charm? When Jojo suddenly manages to hold back his karate catas thanks to the scarab, everyone wants to use it, the object breaks loose, bubbles escape from it and Zouk understands, flabbergasted, that it is a memory holder that contains memories of her father! The object was thus made for his own use! But it didn't reveal all its secrets...

      (With subtitles)
    • 17:26   The eye of duplication

      Sasparilla had promised Zouk that she would attend her school concert. Unfortunately, at the same time, she has to go to the Oath of the Wands, the annual oath without which all wizards' wands will no longer work. Mother and daughter are very disappointed... until Zouk has an idea: what if her mom split into two! Howziegoin brings out one of his inventions, the eye of the duplicate! And it works so well that all the fantastic beings in the Manor also want to try it to have a double. That is... until they realize that by doubling up, they also lose half their magic!

      (With subtitles)
    • 17:37   The little lunarian

      On the way to the Wizards' Grocery Store, Zouk meets a white man who walks in weightlessness and speaks a funny language in lou-louliou. Mr Pumpkin takes advantage of the astonishment to display his science: he is a Lunarian! The latter makes it clear that he has come to the Big City to buy an object... only nobody understands what the object is! Zouk is annoyed: how can she understand what he wants, because he doesn't speak the same language! The Lunian sheepishly makes it clear that he can't go home without this strange object! Determined to help him, Zouk takes him to the Manor where he will certainly find what he needs in her father's workshop! After many adventures, the Lunarian finally finds what he was looking for and leaves for the Moon. But our little witch of character is not reassured: and if the object did not work on the Moon? Only one way to find out: go and join him on the Moon!

      (With subtitles)
    • 17:48   Owl breakdown

      This morning, Owlbert, the alarm clock owl of the manor, wakes up Zouk at dawn even though it is Sunday! He forgets to wake up her parents, who are running late for their appointments, one at the wand show and the other at the wizarding craft show. Zouk soon realizes that Owlbert is old and tired and can no longer do his job: she offers to replace him while he rests. But Owlbert can't do it, so she decides to take him to a fitness club for flattened fantasy animals. But when she comes back for him, she doesn't recognize him and for good reason: it's not him, she's offered a 'newer' Owl in exchange! But Zouk doesn't want it, she wants her own Owlbert that she loves! She will find him with all the others, broken and exhausted, in the great Choir of the Great Clock of the Great City...

      (With subtitles)
    • 17:59   The ogre with a big, big hart

      Zouk and Jojo have arranged to meet Bingo and Spaghetti at the Very Big Lake for a picnic. But while they are flying the kite on Zouk's broom, a gust of wind blows the kite towards a rock on the lake. Zouk swoops down to retrieve it, but the big rock lifts up: it's the back of a child ogre swimming with a mask and snorkel! The children are panicked, Zouk joins the shore in a hurry, Bingo and Spagetti run away. An ogre! It's going to eat them! But Zouk looks a little more carefully at the young ogre who is approaching them: he doesn't look mean! And he isn't! He and his family haven't been eating children for a long time! Zouk decides to convince Bingo and Spaghetti to come back and share their picnic with the ogre Marcellin. To do this, she has to find a strange bodyguard to reassure them...

      (With subtitles)
    • 18:10   A small part of zouk

      Zouk plays spinning tops with her friends, but because of her magic, which she doesn't always control, she sacks the game! The friends grumble and Zouk, dejected, admits to Jojo that she would sometimes like to be a child "like the others"... except that she says these words while sitting on a leaf of a magic cabbage book! And so... her wish comes true! She then finds herself with zero power! The only way to become a witch again is for Zouk to get her hands on a small part of herself that is still magical! But where to find it?! Yes, the baby tooth she lost this morning is the solution! Except that in the meantime, the big bat has already come to look for it under her pillow...

      (With subtitles)

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  • 18:21 - 19:23

    ChiChi PingPing (Season 1)

    Traveling through a world beyond imagination and building trust and friendship amidst hidden secrets in the Golden Globe and difficult challenges, the adventure of ""ChiChiPingPing"" unfolds an increasingly mysterious and immersive story. The World Exploration Competition, inspired by Jules Verne's eternal classic 'Around the World in 80 Days,' is underway! Held every five years, this event now reaches its 10th anniversary. The winner will be presented with a prestigious honor and the Golden Globe. The genius inventor PingPing invites ChiChi, who possesses a natural gift for piloting, and Dogcat, a master of parkour, to join the competition. They embark on a thrilling adventure aboard PingPing’s self-made Funybany. On their first mission to find the best chef, the children encounter Sayo. They enjoy Sayo’s delicious meals and carry out their mission. One day, Saengkeum is unexpectedly created by a life energy liquid invented by PingPing, and the children quickly become friends with the cute and adorable Saengkeum. In their quest for the Dragon Fire, the children encounter Dracong in the Fire Country. With Dracong joining them, the children engage in the mission with increased excitement. Journeying through fantastical worlds such as 'An Island Where Two Suns Rise', 'Mirror Castle', 'Chocolate Country', and 'The Savannah', the children excellently accomplish diverse missions. Along the way, they build trust and friendship, and advance one step closer to the Golden Globe. Finally, the children are thrilled to undertake the level-up mission. However, Dr. Robinson reveals the secret hidden within the Golden Globe, throwing them into brief confusion. Nevertheless, their determination to face forthcoming missions is unstoppable. Embark on the World Exploration Competition with the distinctively charming ChiChiPingPing children! Let's explore the story and see how they succeed in their missions.
    • 18:21   I Am a Cat

      Dogcat, a Doggie who Aspires to Become a Cat! Dogcat, a quirky doggie, aspires to become a cat. Why would Dogcat want to be a cat? Born and abandoned by the roadside, he was raised by a kind-hearted cat couple, growing up believing himself to be a cat. However, one day, neighborhood kids teased him for not being able to climb trees. The captivating story of Dogcat's transformation, driven by his unique preferences, is unraveled!

    • 18:33   The Festival of Panda Village! (Part 1)

      Let's Head to Panda Village, A Place Renowed for Red Lanterns! Today's mission is ""Make a Wish on the Red Lantern!"" But what is a red lantern? Anyways, let's set off to Panda Village, a most renowned place for red lanterns, in search of one. However, to obtain a red lantern in Panda Village, our friends must participate in peculiar game competitions, and it turns out that winning is not easy as expected. Nevertheless, our friends will surely succeed in their mission once again. Join us on the journey to Panda Village!

    • 18:46   The Festival of Panda Village! (Part 2)

      Can our friends obtain a red lantern and fly it? The ChiChiPingPing explorers must participate in game competitions to obtain a red lantern. Unfortunately, they meet with defeat in the peculiar games, including dice rolling, dumpling eating followed by whistling, and archery. Now, only one final game remains - a test of quickly moving beans and then reciting numbers! If they fail in this game as well, they won't be able to obtain the red lantern, and the mission will be unaccomplished. Can Dracong, the representative player, win the red lantern in the final game?

    • 18:58   The Search for Lost Memory (Part 2)

      Find Dr. Robinson! For today’s mission, the crew must find Dr. Robinson, the record-holder with the most wins in the World Exploration Competition, and retry the mission that he has previously failed. To find Dr. Robinson, our friends head to the Lost and Found Center in the heart of the Desert of Memories, a place filled with intricate computer devices, such as memory scanners and monitors. With the assistance of an elderly gentleman they meet there, they begin to unravel the clues regarding Dr. Robinson's whereabouts. Where on earth could Dr. Robinson be?

    • 19:11   The Search for Lost Memory (Part 2)

      The Last Mission and the Beginning of a New Adventure! The crew finally encounters Dr. Robinson, but he has lost all his memories! To help him recall, our friends head to the enormous sandglass of memories in the Desert of Memories. As they approach the hourglass, Dr. Robinson’s memories begin to unfold around them like photographs. Dr. Robinson’s memories come to life as he looks at one particular photo. It was a failed mission: find the original copy of the novel ""Around the World in 80 Days."" Will the thrilling final mission with Dr. Robinson, who has regained his memories, be a success? Let’s set out together!

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  • 19:23 - 19:36

    ChiChi PingPing (Season 2)

    ChiChiPingPing and their friends, who recently began their first mission for the Golden Globe in the World Exploration Competition, have already completed the basic level and advanced to the Silver Level. At the silver level, the second stage, they will face tougher missions and encounter worlds they have yet to experience. ChiChi, disappointed at not demonstrating his top-notch piloting skills, leads the team with PingPing, who promises more inventions to come. They are joined by Saengkeum, brimming with cuteness; Dogcat, confident in tackling any mission; Dracong, eager to share encyclopedia tales; and Sayo, dedicated to creating exquisite dishes. More of their captivating personalities will be unveiled in the Silver Level. Due to their relentless journey through the basic level, the Funybany unexpectedly malfunctions. PingPing and her friends rally together to repair it, and then set off for the Silver Level missions. Meanwhile, the aspiring top ballerina Kami goes missing from the Cloud Ballet School. On Junk Island, where the whole world’s scrap and junk accumulate, a furnace malfunction puts the island at risk of sinking. An abruptly flying carpet brings chaos to Monkey Village. Haenu and Capu are unable to have their wedding. They are eagerly awaiting ChiChiPingPing friends. Although the missions have become tougher, our friends have grown through the process. Their mutual consideration and friendship are now stronger than ever. In ChiChiPingPing Season 2, they travel to numerous unexplored places and enjoy fantastic sights. Along the way, they encounter a variety of characters, who are sometimes friendly and at other times villainous. With the ChiChiPingPing friends, there’s nothing to fear when facing any obstacle! Let's embark on this exciting journey together and advance through the newly begun Silver Level!
    • 19:23   Funybany in Crisis

      Funybany is Malfunctioning! Funybany encounters an unexpected breakdown right before the Silver Level of the World Exploration Competition. The reason is none other than the malfunction of Funybany’s engine, Funyheart. To fix Funyheart, three marbles need to be charged into Funybany. Our friends make a run to the Seagull Port to complete the mission. Will they manage to charge the marbles and return safely?

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  • 19:36 - 20:43


    The hero Dino warrior defeats the villain Darkno and rules the universe. After time passes and Dino warrior dies, The Darkno, who regained his power, is about to attack the Earth...! And what will happen to the fate of the Earth?
    • 19:36   Showdown! Rex vs. Darkno

      At Kaya’s failure, Darkno decides to face off against Rex personally. Regarding this as having some fun, he plans to blow up the volcano. Saying that he’ll give Rex a chance to save everyone, Darkno tells Rex to bring some pizza. Rex needs to deliver the pizza within the allotted time to stop Darkno from blowing up the volcano but every single mech dino he has fought till now appears before him.

      (With subtitles)
    • 19:47   Pizza that you have with your friends!

      Rex barely manages to somehow incredibly deliver the pizza to Darkno. But Darkno ignores his promise and launches attacks against Rex. Rex and the Dinocore combine all their strength to fight Darkno. What will be the fate of earth?

      (With subtitles)
    • 19:58   Let’s go! Dinocore!

      While out on a pizza delivery, Rex runs into the Dinocore by chance and becomes a warrior protecting earth. With the help of Dinocore’s former Dino Master Baryon, Rex and the Dinocore are able to accomplish a Level 5 Union, the Ultra D Buster, and even pull off a core change. Let’s stand up to the villain Darkno and protect earth! And work hard to deliver pizza too…

      (With subtitles)
    • 20:09   Level 2 Union! D Buster!

      Rex talks it up to his friends about becoming a warrior protecting earth. But the Dinocore are not feeling so great for they feel degraded at becoming pizza delivery cars. Right then, a mech dino appears gunning for the spaceship. Ah~ But we’re only able to execute a Level 2 Union, the D Buster… Still, if you don’t have teeth, then you fight with your gums!

      (With subtitles)
    • 20:20   Level 3 Union! Mega D Buster!

      The spaceship has been moved to the pizza parlor basement. Now if only they could execute a Level 5 Union… As Rex implements absurd Level 5 Union training, the Dinocore are unable to place their trust in Rex. Only Stego, with John’s help, is able to accept the new Dino Master Rex as a friend, leading to a successful Level 3 Union, the Mega D Buster!

      (With subtitles)
    • 20:32   Level 5 Union! Ultra D Buster!

      Emily declares herself the Dino Manager in order to help them be able to execute a Level 5 Union, the Ultra D Buster. She tells them they need to come together as one but Rex says since they were able to win continually without Saber, that they are fine. But then, they are faced with a crisis. Saber, help us! Level 5 Union, Ultra D Buster complete!

      (With subtitles)

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  • 20:43 - 21:13

    Barbapapa Classic

    Katya and Fedya live in the village, they have amazing friends — a family of unusual creatures led by Barbapapa.
    • 20:43   Barbapapa's matador

      Barbapapa goes along to watch a bull fight. But that is so cruel what they do to the poor bull. Wait though! And Barbapapa, thanks to a couple of barbatricks, raises the whole arena on stilts to great distress of the ridiculous bull fighters and to the grat joy of the cheering public.

      (With subtitles)
    • 20:48   Barbapapa visits Mexico

      Barbapapa is on holiday is Mexico. He has taken Cindy and Francois with him. Everywhere he goes people recognize him and he is received in state. During a sight-seeing tour of the country a little mexican boy acting as a guide, tells him of the sad legend about Aztec prince and princess. They also visit the famous Aztec pyramids. Barbapapa takes action in rescuing a group of Mexican farmers whom in a ferry boat are in danger of drowning. All sorts of things happen.

      (With subtitles)
    • 20:53   Setting a trap

      The whole Barbapapa family find themselves in the far north of Canada. Everybody is enjoying the snow-coverd landscape and the children are having a marvelous time on the ice. That is until Barbalib discovers a wounded rabbit and a cruel trap which is used to catch this lovely animal. Two scoundrel poachers attempt to make a big score but Barbapapa's don't take it lying down!

      (With subtitles)
    • 20:58   Baby food

      The baby continues to cry. He is hungry. Everybody is immediately busy making a delicious porridge for the baby. But first, the milk fresh from the cow, has to be boiled to kill all germs. Fruit from the garden is also good for the baby. There is no end. They invent all kinds of barbatricks in order to make the food ready for the baby. The Barbapapa's always have a solution.

      (With subtitles)
    • 21:03   Barbapapa's circus

      The whole Barbapapa family go to the circus with their friends, but, how is it possible? The big top is empty, nobody. No problem. The Barbapapa's give a circus performance themselves. Trained horses, knife throwers, clowns, acrobats - there is no end.

      (With subtitles)
    • 21:08   Doctor Barbazoo

      Barbazoo is the vet from the large zoo. Together with his sister, nurse Barbalala, he does his work capable. A distressed mother elephant has climbed to the top of rocks and won't come down. Her little one has been sold to the circus. The call on the whole Barbapapa family for help, who with different attempts try to get the mother elephant to come down from rocks. Until using a spectacular barbatrick, mother elephant and youngster are reunited.

      (With subtitles)

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  • 21:13 - 21:47

    Barbapapa one big happy family!

    The dazzling return to the world’s screens of the most pop family of them all! THE RATHER UNUSUAL LIFE OF AN EXTRAORDINARY FAMILY. One big happy family!
    • 21:13   Zero Waste

      The Barbapapa family came up with an idea when they discovered a beach covered with rubbish: they are going to clean the beach and use what they have collected to make an incredible miniature golf course.

      (With subtitles)
    • 21:24   Greedyguts

      A voracious goat has escaped from the mountain and is coming to wreak havoc in the house, devouring everything in its path!

      (With subtitles)
    • 21:35   Silence please

      Barbalib wants to take part in a writing contest but the noise of his brothers and sisters prevents her from concentrating. Quiet please!

      (With subtitles)

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  • 21:47 - 22:03

    Larva S.01

    The larva is an enduring creature with amazing talents, join us and marvel at Red & Yellow two best buddies. Watch as the world above rains down oddities into their humble abode at the bottom of a Storm water Drain. Red & Yellow not only survive but adapt to thrive by taking advantage of their tongues and every orifice they have available. Try to contain your giggles as these two bungling bugs are joined by their eccentric insect buddies in this incredibly comic show.
    • 21:47   Fishing

      The sewer is flooded with water. Red and Yellow are barely avoiding the water on top of the piles of garbage. They see a sausage floating around and start a desparate fishing to get it.

    • 21:49   Hide and seek

      Red and Yellow are playing hide and seek. Red easily spots Yellow and gives a knuckle as a penalty. Yellow is upset by this punishment and starts to search Red. Can he find Red and gets even with him?

    • 21:51   Earthquake

      Yellow walks toward Red chewing a gum and blows a bubble. The bubble then floats in the air and pops in Red's head. Angry Red tries a flying kick then an earthquake strikes. The ground splits, leaving a crack into the ground. Red is about to fall into the crack...

    • 21:53   Hair-growth Solution

      some unknown liquid fall in to the drain and fall down to Yellow's head. And Yellow's hair starts to grow. Red wants same this again!

    • 21:54   Flood 1

      The sewer is flooded with water. Red and Yellow get on a can, barely avoiding the water, suddenly a monster fish appears and threatens Red and Yellow. They find a vine that hangs in the sewer grill and manage to flee from the fish by climbing it up. But the vine can not hold both weight...

    • 21:56   Walnut

      Red and Yellow find solid walnut. But, it seems too solide to break it. Looking at the Black who is punching just beside them, they get an idea...

    • 21:58   Wild Wild World 1

      Red and Yellow turn into cocoon to become butterfly. With beautiful wings, they finally get out of the drain and meet really world. But, the world seems really tough and wild to our little butterflies.

    • 21:59   Wild Wild World 2

      Hit here and there, even Red and Yellow's wings are gone. In this wild world with full of human and cars, Red and Yellow seems lost...

    • 22:01   Wild Wild World 3

      Almost dead hit by a bycicle, Yellow and Red barely survived. They are just happy to be survived and find a sausage. But, someone already grapped it...

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  • 22:03 - 22:25

    Larva S.02

    Witness Red & Yellow as find themselves freed from the confides of the underground and living in a small apartment, along with a new cast of creatures who are eagerto meet them. Using all their talents (and orifices) and with help of some old friends the comic duo manage to put on a show that is funnier than ever.
    • 22:03   Welcome Larva!

      Red & Yellow find themselves in a house surrounded by loads of food and new frenemies.

    • 22:06   Soap Bubbles

      Yellow can blow amazing bubbles, Red can't. Some rigorous nostril training may be required.

    • 22:08   Robot

      Yellow's in control & Red's a robot head. Now with arms do they have a good shot at defeating Prussian?

    • 22:11   Stop, Freeze!

      Red, Yellow and Brown get trapped in the freezer, if they stop moving they will become bugsicles.

    • 22:14   Upstanding

      Yellow swallows a Roly-Poly Toy thanks to Red, now he must deal with always being upright.

    • 22:17   Black’s back

      Black's trapped, Yellow wants to help but Red still holds a grudge. If only Black wasn’t so big.

    • 22:20   Tomato

      Yellow strives to take care of a tomato on the windowsill and he develops feelings for his food.

    • 22:22   Make-Up

      Red & Yellow find some make-up and apply it to the other insects, with varying acceptance. Now dance!

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  • 22:25 - 23:06

    Larva S.03

    Now it's the New York City. Watch Red and Yellow’s incredible abilities while they explore the city. A whole new adventure in a bigger scale!
    • 22:25   Donut

      Out on the loney, cold street of New York City, Red and Yellow suffer from starvation. When they are about to collapse from hunger something came into their sight! A Donut! Now the competition starts between Red and Yellow to take over the donut!

    • 22:27   Flare

      While shivering in the middle of the freezing streets of NY, Red, Yellow and Brown luckily find a lit-up match. Despite their desperate effort to keep the flare from dying out, the fire keeps on getting smaller. Could they save thier flare? Burn, baby, burn!

    • 22:29   Typhoon

      One disaster after another, now it's a typhoon! Then starts the bugs' pitiful chase for a little cocktail weenie in the midst of the disaster... Who will be the lucky winner?

    • 22:31   Fireplug

      It's a very hot day, so hot that it is like a burnig oven. In such deadly heat, Red and Yellow are desperate to put the water drops seeping out of a fireplug into their mouths. But they keep on missing it by the oddest timing. Why?!

    • 22:32   Lemon

      After their horrible first encounter with the sourness of lemon, Red and Yellow decide to kindly share their pain with their fellow bugs. Come and get your lemon, boys!

    • 22:34   Shade

      It's so hot out, you could burn to death... Literally! As the shadow, the only protection against the scorching heat, becomes smaller and smaller, Red and Yellow spot a larger shadow from afar. Come ye who seek refuge, sweat, sweat, and sweat!

    • 22:36   Ice

      Red and Yellow's magnificent Ice Show on the frozen water fountain! Bam! Red falls onto the ice and it starts cracking! Could Red and Yellow survive from this terrible ice cracks?

    • 22:38   Stream

      Raining cats and dogs, along with the sewage that sucks in everything like a black hole. Red and Yellow struggle to escape from the flood but they keep on getting closer to the drain. Can this get any worse? ...Wait, did you just see something move over there? Hang on tightly guys!

    • 22:39   Basketball

      Boing boing! Red and Yellow show off their dribbling skills! He Shoots! He scores! Then come their opponents! 3 on 3, the game is on! The winner takes it all, now get your head in the game!

    • 22:41   Tickle

      Poke! Poke! Who knew that Yellow would be so ticklish? After suffering for a while from Red who takes advantage of the weakness, Yellow finds an ultimate tool to protect himself. Well, bring it on now!

    • 22:43   Hiccup

      Hic! Hic! Yellow gets a terrible hiccup after swallowing a spicy jalapeno.Every time Yellow bounces up and down to his hiccup, he lands on a stone with a pointy edge. Ouch! Watching this, Red and Brown burst out in laughter. Oh so you think this is funny? Shared pain is half the pain. Come on guys~ let me give you a hug!

    • 22:45   Mouse

      Red and Yellow come to New York to avoid a parrot and a chameleon. There’s nothing we are afraid of anym…. Now what? A mouse (Grey) with sharp nails and scary teeth appears. He’s an outlaw on New York City’s streets. There’s a saying that evildoing always catches up with you... On an electric wire? The mouse (Grey) will instigate Larva’s trademark action in the air.

    • 22:46   Magnet

      “I’m so hungry.” Yellow looks through a trash can and finds a magnet! Yellow and Red play with the pieces of the broken magnet and end up stuck to each other. Can they unstick themselves from one another?

    • 22:48   Stick insect

      Gently and slowly falling leaves…I can touch one..! Oww, my hand hurts just from touching this leaf… Let us introduce our new friend, Ivory, a stick insect in New York.

    • 22:50   Oil

      Oil swoops down on the sleeping Red and Yellow! Due to Yellow’s sleeping habits, Red and Yellow perform a circus, which wakes Mouse up.This is bad! Mouse swallows Red and Yellow. Can Red and Yellow escape from Mouse’s stomach?

    • 22:52   Thunder Red

      Red is struck by lightning! Red becomes a lightning-larva, faster than anyone else! Hahaha!! Nobody can catch up with my speed! Red plays practical jokes on his friends and runs away. His friends try to come up with an idea to get revenge on Red. That’s a good idea!! We can’t just let him get away with this. Red, wait!!

    • 22:53   Cement

      The drain is under construction. Everybody gets covered with cement and they harden while they fight over who will get to eat a sausage. They won’t just give up their struggle for the sausage… Who is going to end up having the sausage?

    • 22:55   Wrap

      Here’s a ham and there’s a ham! Red and Yellow go into a heavenly ham store. When they jump up next to an amazingly delicious looking ham and begin to eat, they get trapped in plastic wrap. Red and Yellow are crushed inside the plastic wrap! This is the story of their escape from their plastic wrap prison.

    • 22:57   The Silver

      Hey... Huh?! Fluttering grey feathered wings and fruit peel pulled over their heads... complete with a dumb look on their faces! Twin pigeons, ‘Hey-silver’ and ‘Huh-silver,’ appear in front of Red and Yellow. The larvae narrowly escape the beak attacks... ‘Uh, what the heck?’ a surprising revelation. Hey-silver and Huh-silver’s secret is revealed.

    • 22:59   Ark

      Kaboom! A storm leaves much of the city under water and a prophet stands next to a giant ark...? Red snaps out of a dream. This must be a precognitive dream! Red starts to build an ark despite taunting from Yellow and friends...And when the ark is finally completed, rain starts to pour! Hey, wait... The prophet from my dream... it was you?!

    • 23:00   Cancan

      A bunch of bees are thrown out of the flower garden by the larva gang while collecting honey! Aggrieved, the angry bees return with their colleagues.Get ready for a French can-can dance performance in flower skirts and lilting music!

    • 23:02   Massage

      Presumably from making poop balls every day, Brown boasts an amazing massage skills. With his gifted healing hands, Brown fixes Yellow’s back problems and Rainbow’s injured finger. While chasing larva and friends, a rat falls off the building and is seriously injured. Should I run or should I cure the injured? Brown is torn by the dilemma. What would he choose to do?

    • 23:04   Loyalty

      Yellow accidently shoves Black while trying to pick up a sausage. A piece of trash was falling from above right at that moment and Yellow unwittingly saves Black. Black is deeply (and wrongly) touched by Yellow’s action and begins to show his gratitude in different ways...

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  • 23:06 - 00:00

    The Little Princess

    Children never like the adult rules. Sleep at night, wash your face and brush your teeth in the morning, share toys with the neighborhood kids and swim in the bath? No! No! And once again No! The capricious Little Princess has her own thoughts of how the day should look like. And the night, of course, too. Wayward, naughty and cheerful Little Princess lover games, fun and adventures! How can parents cope with it? They will need kindness, tenderness and a little cunning. The kids will definitely like the capricious Little Princess, because every child can recognize himself in this character!
    • 23:06   Ouch, It Hurts

    • 23:12   Cartoons! 

    • 23:21   Jumping!

    • 23:29   Winterfun

    • 23:35   Racer

    • 23:41   Monsters Everywhere

    • 23:51   Octopus Rescue

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